Tuesday 14 May 2024



  1. Who took control of France in 1799?

  2. When did the War of Independence start? Name complete date

  3. Who signed a treaty with Napoleon Bonaparte?

  4. Who were the Axis Powers of WWII?

  5. Who invented the printing press? And when?

  6. Who was the king during the Enlightenment in Spain?

  7. Who was the king who died being a child?

  8. What did Isabel II do for Madrid?

  9. Name 3 painters of Renaissance.

  10. What country did Germany invade before WWII?

  11. When did Primo de Rivera lead a military coup?

  12. When did Castilla ended the Reconquest?

  13. Who was the last king of the Habsburg dynasty?

  14. When did WWI start and finish?

  15. Name 3 styles of painting of the Contemporary Age. 

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