Friday 7 June 2024

Art Project - Copy a masterpiece

 Feel like a painter!


1º- Choose a painting you like from the Modern Age or Contemporary Age. 

Decide to copy all the painting or cut a part (a rectangle) from it. 

Bear in mind: 

  • Difficulty - Choose a painting easy to paint for you.

  • Know the artistic style, author, title and era.

2º - Try first. Reuse paper to make a sketch with pencil.

3º - In the paper for the project, draw using  pencil.

4º - Use paint and paintbrushes to colour. 

Bear in mind: 

  • Protect your table

  • Use containers or plates to mix colours. 

  • Clean brushes carefully

  • Clean everything at the end of each lesson


  1. Know the author, title, style and era of the painting

2 points

  1. Make a sketch to plan you project

2 points

  1. The painting is similar to the real one

3 points

  1. Clean and tidy on time. Take care of materials.

2 points

  1. Finish on time 

1 point

You may bring papers to protect your table, an apron to protect your clothes and eggboxes to mix colours. 

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Quiz Practice 3


  1.  Who was Napoleón Bonaporte?

  2. When did Napoleón Bonaparte led a military coup?

  3. What happened in 1939 - 1945?

  4. Who was tricked by Napoleón?

  5. Who did the first circumnavigation?

  6. Who was Isabel II?

  7. When did Primo de Rivera led a military coup?

  8. How was the system in which bigger countries conquered weaker ones?

  9. How were the countries involved in WWI?

  10. What happened the 2nd of May 1808?

Tuesday 14 May 2024



  1. Who took control of France in 1799?

  2. When did the War of Independence start? Name complete date

  3. Who signed a treaty with Napoleon Bonaparte?

  4. Who were the Axis Powers of WWII?

  5. Who invented the printing press? And when?

  6. Who was the king during the Enlightenment in Spain?

  7. Who was the king who died being a child?

  8. What did Isabel II do for Madrid?

  9. Name 3 painters of Renaissance.

  10. What country did Germany invade before WWII?

  11. When did Primo de Rivera lead a military coup?

  12. When did Castilla ended the Reconquest?

  13. Who was the last king of the Habsburg dynasty?

  14. When did WWI start and finish?

  15. Name 3 styles of painting of the Contemporary Age. 

Sunday 12 May 2024


Notebook activity:

Write the questions to the following answers.

1. The children are sitting in the garden.


2. David likes cats because they are really nice.


3. She walks home from school.


4. Yesterday Carol and Linda went to the swimming pool.


5. Peter opened his birthday presents after eating the cake.


To practise:

Find the correct question activity

Question words activity

Mistakes in English Questions



Notebook activity:

Choose the right answer:

- Jhon ________ play tennis really well. He's champion of his club.

a) must                    b) could                    c) can

- The museum is free. You ______ pay to get it.

a) musn't                 b) couldn't                c) don't have to

- I've looked everywhere for my glasses but I _____ find them anywhere.

a) couldn´t               b) can't                     c) could

- I think you ______ wear that dress. It doesn't suit you.

a) don't have           b) must                      c) shouldn't

To practise:

Modal Verbs game

AGENDAWEB- Modal Verbs


LET'S PRACTICE! Here you have an activity to practice the grammar point above. Write the answers, in your notebook!!

Oral Presentation - History

 Let´s prepare your last oral presentation at Leonor del Álamo!

Let´s talk about events and celebrities in Modern and Contemporary Age!

Use Google Presentations, Prezi, Canva or any other apps to create your slides!